Sunday, April 01, 2007

1 comment:

Joy Seward said...

Hello, Mrs Atzmon,
I found you when looking for graphics online for a class I am taking. I wanted to post 'The Appel' on my class blog to discuss---and I do intend to do that. I am a support of the Jewish people, although I am not Jewish myself. I much appreciate your artwork. I also am inspired b/c I am now 52 years old and pursuing some new and different avenues---as you did with your painting at the age of 50. It so happens that my blog is on this same server as yours. You can see my blog and learn a little about me at
I am very much hoping to visit Israel in February/March '08. It will be my first trip. My husband and son went in June '05. I am a Christian but I love learning about the Jewish life--the festivals, traditions, culture, food, scriptures. Thank you for your artwork and for the contribution you are making to help us NEVER forget the wrongs that were done to you and many like you. May it never happen again!!
May the LORD bless you---
A new friend,
Joy Seward
Mahomet, IL USA