Thursday, August 17, 2006
why do paint ?
Sara Atzmon (Gottdiener)
Rechov Hadekalim 31,
Tel: 972-3-9328253, Fax:972-3-9086463
e-mail: atzmonsu@012.net.il
site www.saraatzmon.com
Mrs. Susannah Wharfe
Fashion Editor
Publicity Director
Dear Susannah,
I am very thankfull for your questions, as they are very important.
You ask me why I am painting? Why is it important to immortalize the Holocaust?
Is it allowed for Jews that where victoms of the Holocaust or for people that where involved in the killings to continue there regular agenda?
The Killers are not so proud now to show there deeds
העתק: גב' קולט אביטל, חברת כנסת ישראל
גב' סיבילייה סורג, נספחת תרבות, שגרירות גרמניה בישראל.
הרב ישראל לאו, רבה הראשי של ת"א, יפו.
פרופ' שבח וייס, יו"ר יד-ושם
פרופ' שלום רוזנברג, עיתון מעריב.
מר אדם ברוך, עיתון מעריב.
הגב' יונה מרקו, קשתו"ם משרד החוץ
My Biography
Born in Hungary
Concentration Camps
Beginning of painting studies
After a visit in Hungary, starts painting, inspired by Holocaust feelings and experiences
Participates in group exhibitions
One person exhibition at Nir Galim, near Ashdod"Mofet" Hall, Ramat-Gan
Emanuel House, Ramat-Gan; lgal Alon House, Zefat; Yad Vashem Jerusalem; "Zerubavel" House, Rishon Lezion; Bar llan University, Ramat-Gan; "Metro-West" Education Center, Raanana; "Kugel" Education Center, Holon; Cultural Center, Kfar Sirkin; Jewish Community Center, Budapest, Hungary; Gallery Carneri, Catholic center, Graz, Austria
Permanent exhibition at "Beit Edud", Nir Galim; Knesset, Jerusalem
Binyanei - Ha’Umah, Jerusalem - Ministry of Defense
Beith-Berl, Cultural Center of Kfar-Sirkin
Pedagogical Center Metro West, Raanana; Cultural Center Kfar-Sirkin
Cleveland, Ohio, Philadelphia, USA
Pedagogical Center, Kfar-Sirkin; Metro West, Raanana
Pedagogical Center Amit Dror Jerusalem; Memorial Bergen-Belsen Neuwied
During 1999, 20 exhibitions took place, eight in Hungary and at the Villa Wannsee, in Berlin, where the conference about the destruction of all Jewish Communities was held.
In 2000, an exhibition was held at the Stockholm Historical Museum to mark the International Conference of the Holocaust. Currently, Sara is exhibiting in several German cities, including Emmendingen, Neuwied and Stuttgart.
A successful exhibition was also held at the Madrid Parliament.
Sara has been invited to hold an exhibition at the site of the former concentration camp of Bergen-Belsen.
The Israel Foreign Office has agreed to take upon itself the patronage of these exhibitions and to forward the art works through diplomatic channels.
2001 – Germany: Sara held an exhibition and workshop at the diplomatic school in Bonn. Other exhibitions in Germany were held at the Hannover Parliament; Bergen-Belsen; Bischofsheim Mission Camp; and at the Berlin Foreign Office.
Czeck Republic: Terezin Ghetto Museum Prague, New City Hall.
Ukraina Kiev, Babi-Ya’ar 60 years after the great murder of tens of thousands of Jews.
Israel: Kochav Yair, Nir Galim, Kfar Sirkin.
2002 – Israel: Petach Tiqva and Kfar Sirkin.
Germany: Koblenz “Florens Kirche”, with about 13,000 visitors.
A permanent exhibition has been held in “Beit Haedut Lashoah” in Nir Galim since 2001. Thousands of students and soldiers are visiting the exhibition every month.
2003 – Israel: The Bible Museum, Tel Aviv; and in many education centers throughout Israel.
2004 – Stockholm, to mark the International Conference of the Holocaust.
Germany, several cities.
2005 – Israel - Beer-Sheva , Ramat-Gan, Hulon, Germany – Diplomatic School Bonn, Hohenwart forum congress center
2006 – Israel - Several exhibitions , Invitation to Florida – Holocaust Memorial Resource and Education Center.
2007 – Germany – Bergen Belzen Gedenkstatte
2007 - Mesada, Israel - Mombay, India.
Group Exhibitions
1996 - Ha’aretz Museum, Tel Aviv (twice)1997 - International Congress, Brussels, Belgium
Works in Public Collections
Museum of Arts "Yad Vashem" Jerusalem.Museum of Hungarian speaking Jewry Saved.University "Bar Ilan" Ramat-GanGaleria Carneri, Graz/Austria
Works in Private Collections
K. D Bruhl, Graz, Austria